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About Acacius Albinus

Let's begin with how to pronounce my name.

My given name is Acacius, it is of latin origin.

Here is how you pronounce Acacius: uh k ai sh uh 

My surname is Albinus: Al·bi·nus

If you care to look into the meaning of the names or the numerology of them, you will have to do that work on your own as it is not important to knowing me.

I assure you, I am different from every other Acacius you will ever meet.


My background as a human and how I became what I am today has all been covered in my Confessions, so I wont repeat it here.


Why have I gone public with my existence? That is covered in depth in my Confessions as well, but suffice to say that I have gone public so that I can guide humans back to their former glory. In the past humans were healthier, stronger, more fit and they lived much longer.

My second motive is more selfish. I am forced to live in a human dominated world and as such I must use your system of capitalism, which means I require currency. I cannot simply obtain a job, because of my physical differences and the fact that I am busy hunting for prey in a modern world that requires me to spend most of my time covering my tracks.

I thought that revealing myself to the world would allow me a method to raise cash so that I may live better and more comfortably among you.

Also, if truth be told, my ego would never allow me to work for someone who is both physically and mentally inferior to me. Wolves do not work for sheep.


I am a vampire not a writer. My language skills have changed and evolved over time so do not expect my writings to be in old English, Greek or Latin, but you should also not expect me to wax poetic either.

All I promise anyone is the truth.

Acacius Albinus


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