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My rules are very simple.

I agree to answer every question that does not break my rules.

I agree to answer every question truthfully.


There are many government agencies that would like to get their hands on me. They would love nothing more than to lock me up and run tests to find the scientific explanation for my magic. To be blunt, many old and powerful men want what I have.

With this firmly in mind, I will not answer any questions that could lead to giving up my current location or would endanger me.

I spend a lot of time and money covering my trail and keeping out of the public eye.

So do not ask me where I am or to identify my food sources. I will not answer any questions that would lead to my capture.

That's my only rule.

I am a survivor and I have survived for longer than any being I am aware of. In all of my travels it is this time and place that is the hardest for me. Technology makes my activities difficult without detection, but I am survivor and I adapt well to change. Look at me now, a vampire with a web presence.

Acacius Albinus


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